Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Example :
Why They Turn to the Sea
            As the job opportunity is increasing limited on the land, more and more young man  are turning to the sea for a living. Some of them choose to work on a ship only after they have failed to get  a job. However, many young men actually would rather work on the sea than on land. In my opinion, there are several reasons that account for increasing interest in persuing maritime professions.
            Firstly,our country is made up of many lands. We are surrounded by water. It is not surprising that many people have growm to love the sea. In order to be able to spend more time near the sea, they decide to work on it.  Many of them spend their whole lives on the water.
            Secondly, the many school dropouts in the country as well as those young men who have just finished their education in school are looking for jobs  at the same time. Competition for jobs is therefore great. Many fail to get work in offce or factories, so these people turn to the sea as a last resort.
            Thirdly, some young men face problem at home. They want to get as far away from these problems as possible. The sea becomes a popular means of escape.
            Finally, young people are naturally advantageous. They love to explore new places. They enjoy the excitement that comes with this. By working on a ship, they are able to travel far and wide. Besides, food and lodging on board the ship are free. Thus , many young men are attracted to maritime profession.

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